Chapter 15

The monster having learned much about his friends in the cottage becomes more interested about them and cares for them deeply. One night while collecting food for  himself and fire wood for his friend, he comes across a bag full of clothing and books. The monster takes the bag back to his hovel to read and become more educated in the language he is learning. These books allowed the monster to experience the feelings from happiness to sadness and filled him with a lot of knowledge. He was able to learn the meanings of love,sadness,happiness, and then relate them to his experiences, or that of his friends which he had observed. The monster also learned about God and his fabulous creation of the man Adam; how they were similar yet different. Adam was created to perfection,loved,educated, and not alone. The monster realized how much of an outcast he was; abandoned, unloved, uneducated, helpless. His creator was Satan-like for doing so and caused him a horrible life, but even after learning all this he still has hope that there is good in the hearts of his friends and believes hat they will accept him. As the opportunity arises for the monster to approach his friends, the monster enters the house to speak with the accepting old man De Lacy. As he begins to explain and talk to the father, the children arrive home unexpectedly and send the monster away in horror without allowing him a chance to explain.

The setting of this chapter takes over several months, from Autumn to early spring. For the most part of the chapter, the setting takes place in the monsters hovel and surrounding forest near his friends cottage.The monster spends his time here reading and learning as the weather changes from Autumn, to winter, and into early spring. As the weather changes the setting changes to the location of the small cottage where his friends live. Here the monster tries to become friends and introduce himself to this family but is driven away back into the woods because he appears so terrifying to him.

The theme of this chapter is the difficulty of acceptance.The family demonstrates well that they have learned that looks are important which makes it hard for them to accept the monster.Where as the monster learns about his creation and believes and hopes for acceptance. He learns about love and hope and this makes him believe that the family will accept him for who he is at heart, because he is kind and helpful and his looks are far from comparable to his personality. The monster learns that acceptance can be difficult to earn, because others have opinions and thoughts of their own and they ofter judge you fromt he outside without giving you a chance to express your inside.