Chapter 13


      Winter is coming to an end and the monster sees that Felix is becoming upset.  During the thaw, a visitor arrived at the cottage to see De Lacey, Felix, and Agatha.  She arrived on a horse and had a beautiful complexion; her name was Safie.  Upon her arrival, the gloomy mood of spring was brightened around the cottage.  The monster quickly picked up on that Safie did not speak the same language as the rest of the cottagers.  He notices that the cottagers are welcoming and help her learn how to read and write in that language.  By listening in on Safie's studies, the monster understands the human society and history.  The cottagers worked together as a team to help each other understand. The monster payed close attention to them teaching her their language by trying to sound out words.  He loved the ability communicate and understand the human people.  
      The monster became even more curious about the ways of these people.  He wanted to learn about religion and what they believe.  Learning these morals made him feel power, that he was not alone.  Furthermore, he accepted the laws and government that was established in the community as well as growth, interactions, and relationships between people.  He wanted to feel that love and relationships with other beings.
      During the spring season, the monster becomes down when he understands that he is not beautiful or accepted in the human society.  He sees that Safie is elegant, and knows the cottagers accepted her for this reason.  He understood that appearance allows you to be wanted and respected in the human world.  However, once the snow thawed, he felt he wanted a brighter outlook and a refreshed start on his life. He began this emotional journey by seeing that the cottagers can be happy even though they have to go through labour and suffering.  He tried to think that he could be happy too, even though he did not consider himself a man.  Men would just disown him and were not welcoming to him because of his appearance.  For the reason that he was different allowed others to not love him.  

Setting/Rewrite Paragraph: Cottage

      It was early spring and nature was refreshed.  The thick fog and the brutal winter's wind was behind us.  The sky was cloudless while the new sun shone down on the cottage.  A gentle breeze lingered through the pines of my hide-a-way.  I would peer around the brambly branches towards the cottage to see if there was anything new happening with the people.  This morning, in particular, the cottage appeared to have a lovely glow that radiated beyond the property.  A welcoming and inviting presence was known that made me feel confident spring would be positive.  The drip of the thawing snow off the distress roof kept a steady beat.  It was comforting to hear the familiar sounds of springtime.  The beat of the drops matched the pace of a white stallion that marched onto the hilly terrain.  Side saddled upon the horse was an elegant lady who radiated beauty.  It seemed as though nature responded positively to her arrival.  The warm atmosphere swirled around as if it was hugging me.  I was aware that the thaw of spring and the presence of this women would allow the Earth to be at peace around the cottage.

The photo shows the cottage that the monster would observe. The hilly terrain and the quaint feel of the home.
The video is a song of spring time. It sets the mood for how the monster felt about spring.  That is was a cheerful and refreshing time to start new in his life, which is felt through the music.

Study Questions

1. How is the theme of appearance determines who you are inside shown in this chapter?
      There is an obvious theme shown throughout the novel of the idea that your external appearance determines what you are like on the inside. The monster realizes that he is not accepted with the human's society because of his strong, burly appearance.  He is seen different from other people and understands how looks effect social relationships.  The mood in the cottage during the winter month is dull and depressing. In the spring when the mysterious but elegant Safie arrives at the cottage, her presence seems to brighten.  ("Felix seemed ravished with delight when he saw her, every trait of sorrow vanished from his face, and it instantly expressed a degree of ecstatic joy, of which I could hardly have believed it capable; his eyes sparkled as his cheek flushed with pleasure; and at that moment I thought him as beautiful as the stranger.") [Shelly, Ch. 13]. She had powerful external beauty that the cottagers were aware of.  Based off of what she looked like, the glitter in their eyes showed the joy of having her around.  They immediately felt safe with her before getting to know who she was because of her presence.  The theme of appearance determines your personality is greatly shown in this chapter when the beautiful Safie arrives and the days feel happier.

2. After the monster watches the cottagers interact with Safie, why does he feel a connection to the humans?
      The cottagers welcome Safie into their home in early spring.  Although she does not speak the same language as them, they help her understand how they live life.  The monster is aware of the actions they are taking to make her feel welcome. ("Every conversation of the cottagers now opened new wonders to me. While I listened to the instructions which Felix bestowed upon the Arabian, the strange system of human society was explained to me. I heard of the division of property, of immense wealth and squalid poverty; of rank, descent, and noble blood.") [Shelley, Ch. 13].  The monster can see that the cottagers are willing to share their knowledge with the stranger, and it makes him more understanding of their history and culture. From their stories they can learn about how the people interact and grow.  They taught Safie how to speak their language so the monster could pick up on speaking. These were all steps into the monster being more 'human like' and accepted among the people  Safie was useful to the monster for she allowed the cottagers to open up about they way they live their life so he could learn more about them.