Chapter 12

     In this chapter, the monster begins to get involved with his neighbours. He is interested in learning the ways of how normal people act and live. However, what he ends up finding out is far from what he was looking for. After watching his neighbours for a long period of time, he notices that they are unhappy and poor. Not only does the monster feel bad for them, he also feels guilty. His guilt is a result of him stealing their crops from their garden. What seemed like a harmful crime at the time, ended up being much worse as that was the only food that they had. His guilt that he felt after committing these horrible things, he decided that he wanted to give them something in return. He decided that it would be a nice deed if he were to collect wood for them to burn so they could have a warm house. The neighbours were greatly appreciative as the monster watched them as they found the wood. His interest in the neighbours grew as he watched them talk and communicate with each other. He listened carefully to the sounds that they made and learned a few basic words. After watching more attentively, he discovered that their names were Felix and Agatha.
     As the chapter continued, the monster caught a glimpse of himself in a reflection from pool water. He was very ashamed that he looked the way he did and did not understand why he couldn't look like his neighbours. He spent his whole winter in hiding because he didn't want anyone to see him. As spring came he began getting more and more affectionate to his neighbours and wanted to keep learning more about them.

     The theme of this chapter is to always help out those in need. Poverty played an important role in this chapter which is why it was important that the author included something about helping those in need. As the monster was watching the neighbours, he realized that they didn't have all of the basic needs that many have. They simply survived off what grew in their garden and they were always working for things they needed. The monster felt guilty for adding to their troubled times so he wanted to do something in return. He decided to collect wood for their fire to spare them the trouble of having to find some every night. The neighbours were very appreciative of these actions. Not only did he collect the wood for them, he did it anonomously. This means that he didn't care about being rewarded and praised for his friendly actions, he simply did it because he wanted to help.

Poverty Video

This video relates to this chapter of the book because of the connection of themes. The video shows many graphics of people who cannot fulfill basic daily needs, like supplying themselves with food. This connects with the theme of chapter twelve in Frankenstein because the neighbours of the doctor are also suffering from these problems. The lyrics then continue to say "I dare you to move" which relates to the actions of the monster. He saw that they were having troubles and he lent them a hand.

Study Questions

1. Do you think that the monster would have collected his neighbours wood anonomously if he were to look normal and have the ability to communicate? Why or why not?

I think that if he were to look "normal" and have the ability to communicate he would have still completed the task anonomously. When friendly gestures are done anonomously, it makes the task seem much more genuine and nice because you know that they did it out of the kindness of their heart. They aren't looking for anyone to praise them for what they did or give them anything in return. Although one of the reasons would have been his looks and speech, I think that this is another reason why he remained anonomously. Even though he can't communicate his thoughts and feelings, he still has the ability to feel things inside.

2. Why do you think the monster watches the neighbours so closely?
I think that he watches the neighbours so closely because he wants to be able to live like them. He is probably jealous of the fact that the family is so close and they appreciate eachother so much. The monster despises being alone so he must enjoy feeling a part of something. Watching them not only makes him feel included in something, it also makes him suffer. He knows that he is so far away from ever receiving any kind of love like the family gives to eachother.